Welcome to IPLution!

We simplify international patent prosecution with our flat fee prosecution service. Foreign filing has never been easier, we invite you to find out more!

What we do

IPLution’s flat fee prosecution service entails a flat service fee for the entire PCT national phase, from filing to final grant. Enabling clients to enjoy cost transparency and predictability along the entire lifecycle of a patent application.

We take the responsibility for the entire lifecycle of your foreign patent applications
  • in any country you chose to file for a patent
  • with an established network of patent professionals

Flat Fee

Enjoy full cost trans­parency and pre­dict­abi­lity for the entire pro­sec­ution, from filing until grant. Contact us now, to receive a cost cal­cu­lation for countries of your interest.

Graphical Reporting

IPLution provides a stan­dardised, in­tui­tive report­ing, har­moniz­ing the in­for­ma­tion that matters to you. No matter which coun­try it comes from.

Work sharing tools

Our in­ter­na­tio­nal net­work of patent spe­cia­lists share their work, en­suring that nothing needs to be done twice, further im­proving the efficiency of our service.

Who we are

Based in Frankfurt Germany, IPLution consists of a network of patent lawyers in all regions of the world that have adopted the flat fee approach to international patent prosecution. Together we are working on making international patent prosecution efficient for our clients. To find out more about our network of patent lawyers and how we work together to ensure high quality attorney work and smart processes, get in touch with us. We look forward to getting to know you.

Get in touch

Contact us now to learn more about our service and to receive a cost calculation for countries of your interest